Duncan: Clubs were kept in dark on season cancellation
Written by Sunlight Radio America on July 11, 2020
Owner of Proud United, Ronald Joojo Duncan, says the decision to cancel the 2019/2020 football league season should have been a holistic decision by all and not only by the Executive Council of the Ghana Football Association (GFA).
“The cancellation of the football season should have been a holistic decision by all of us. Yes, I am sure the statues give the Executive Council the power to do certain things, but at times when you have the right to do such things, it is best to insulate yourself against unnecessary criticisms.”
Speaking on the decision by the GFA to nullify the league season due to the coronavirus pandemic, Mr Duncan expressed his unhappiness about the clubs being kept in the dark with regard to steps taken by the GFA in arriving at the decision.
“At least, they could have brought us some documentation for us to consult with our advisors on health issues, but this was not done.
“The GFA put together a health committee. However, I do not know whether that was to engage the government or the various institutions like the Ghana Medical Association or Ghana Health Service on how to go about this from the football standpoint,” he stated.
“He noted that he was sure the GFA had a plan.However, the clubs did not see it, which for him was unfortunate.
“I am sure that the plan was kept with the medical committee, maybe they felt there would be panic or it could be divisive,” he told Asempa FM.
Pointing to a portion of the new GFA statues which states that in cases of force majeure, the power of decision is vested in the Executive Council, the football administrator opined that it cannot be right.
“What is in the new statues means we are seeding the important decisions of the whole institution into the hands of the Council without a congress and I think we should take another look at this decision.”
Duncan, who together with King Faisal owner Abdul Karim Gruzah, New Edubiase president Abdul Salam Yakubu and Techiman City owner Charles Kwadwo Ntim were vociferous in calling for a nullification of the season, said although he welcomed the decision, he was not happy the way things went about.
The FA, maybe, have been right but it needed the full support of the club behind them so that the decision would be seen as an accepted one from the entire body and not by some and rejected by some, adding that “if they had consulted the clubs, at least 70 per cent of them would have voted in favour of the cancellation.”